I’m Jeanine, and I am excited to have you visit fuutii.com! I started this site to share recipes and great foods I’ve curated through my years of cooking for a family with varying tastes from vegetarian to meat lover to the picky eater. My roots are from the upper Midwest. Many of the recipes feature foods local to this area, great food finds and “fuutii” travel throughout the region. I have never passed up an opportunity to learn from cooks whose food inspires me—from the time-worn grandmothers whose classic dishes bring family home, to the au pairs and visitors from various parts of the world who have lived with us and brought amazing dishes from their country into our home.
I am a mom, a media research professional, a gardener, a water skier, a wind surfer, and a food enthusiast with a love of cooking. In the years of juggling work and family I’ve educated myself on methods, techniques and ideas on how to manage resources to figure out great meals for an eclectic household. But mostly I am curious about food. I want to learn how to incorporate different foods and spices into cooking. I am curious where to find great foods locally, and learn great dishes and techniques from all the amazing cooks I’ve known and met. What inspires me are those with a passion for cooking. I believe the food we eat should be prepared and served with a pure heart.
What is fuutii?
Fuutii is about enthusiasm for food and cooking, but with a reverence for the artisans of food and where it came from. It is not about food snobbery. In this blog I will document and pass down the great recipes and amazing food finds that I have created and discovered. I want to share strategies I’ve learned through the years for cooking and putting together great meals. I see a generation that’s moved away from preparing foods at home. It is my goal to rekindle the spirit and love that goes into making and eating your own foods, and to do so inexpensively.
I hope you enjoy these recipes, great food finds, and “fuutii” travel throughout the region. I hope that you will be inspired to cook in a way that honors the source of the food, the creative process of cooking, and the people we serve.